Taxi Mercedes Hondarribia

Taxi Mercedes Hondarribia



Taxi Mercedes Airport

Our services include:

• San Sebastián - Donostia airport (in Hondarribia)
• Biarritz - Anglet - Bayonne airport (in Biarritz)
• Bilbao airport (in Loiu)





Taxi Mercedes Train station

• Between your home, accommodation or company to your train station, Taxis Mercedes is the best solution to meet your demand for a taxi to take you to the Irun, Hendaye or San Sebastian train stations.

• If you want to secure a taxi in advance to travel to any of the three stations, or for waiting for you on the platform of one of them, make your reservation now by paying € 20 by bizum to the phone (0034) 619 311 045 and send us a whatsapp indicating the time, day and number of the pick-up platform and station.





Taxi Mercedes Long Distance

At Taxi Mercedes we offer long-haul taxi service to transport you wherever you need to (anywhere in Spain, France or Portugal).





Taxi Mercedes Enterprises

Timed pickup to save waiting time.

• Taxi Mercedes has extensive experience and knowledge of the needs of companies in their day to day through the Taxi Companies service:

  - Insurance and mutual: we cover road or health assistance.
  - Displacement of professional staff and students to their respective jobs or educational centers.
  - Transportation of professional and civil personnel for some Public Administrations.

• What advantages do we offer:

  - Grouping of the services provided for subsequent control of the client.
  - We take care of managing the daily or sporadic reservations of the services previously requested to free the client from this task.
  - Monthly billing







    Taxi Mercedes Service:
    - Airports (San Sebastian, Biarritz, Bilbao)
    - Train Stations (Irun, Hendaye)
    - Long way (Spain, France, Portugal)
    - Companies (Insurance, Travel, etc, ...)


619 311 045

San Sebastian airport
    Hondarribia (Gipuzkoa)


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